body copy: nostalgic

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

  1. one foot in heaven for my good deeds. Here's my story....
  2. My rough edges from the good old days. Here's my story...
  3. My little fragile life full of bitter and sweet memories.
  1. i've always love yellow. It is my lucky colour. And I don't need a new body make-over. I feel like losing my virginity over the new body colour.
  2. i've always love yellow. It is my lucky colour. And I don't need a new body make-over. The new body colour makes me experience bad memory each day.
  3. i've always love yellow. It is my lucky colour. And I don't need a new body make-over. I'm losing my luck with the new body colour.
  1. Rain is a gift from heaven. I love it so much.... Shoooo people with umbrella. I need some space.
  2. Rain is a gift from heaven. I love it so much.... Shoooo people with umbrella. I am appreciating what heaven is offering.
  3. I love rain so much. We're buddies. A friend from heaven. Shoooo people with umbrella. Rain and I are mingling.
Dog Wee Wee
  1. Disgusting but adorable. I can't help spotting dogs. They are the cutest creature ever. But when they wee wee at me, I feel like cursing them. Bitter but sweet experience.
  2. Dogs are just adorable. They are the little cutest thing ever. For some reason, they love to wee wee at me. I don't know why. Disgusting but adorable.
  1. In life, a friend in need is a friend indeed. People with no home love to spend time with me. It feels like I've known them forever. I offer them my heart and space for their muscle to rest. They are my friends for life.
  1. Somewhere, across the road, my lover stands on a pathway. She's there there watching for me from across the road till............... never again. A car stands still, blocking our love and sight. I have nothing against you, car. Leave me and my lover alone. Block us no more.
  1. Never mistake form for function. I am fire hydrant and my looks says so. Some creative people makes me more than that which is pathetic. I don't enjoy carrying man's food or drink. Allow me to make myself clear. I AM A FIRE HYDRANT period.
  2. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I am fire hydrant and my looks says so. Some creative people makes me more than that which is pathetic. I don't enjoy carrying man's food or drink.Allow me to make myself clear. I AM A FIRE HYDRANT period.
  1. I am so blessed. Surrounded by leaves and flowers. I make friends with birds, butterfly, worms and many other creatures. Everyday, i wakeup and embrace the fresh breeze and the heavenly garden. God and man must have love me so much.
  1. I am buried 3 feet under. I experience the warmly earth and the burning hell. For me, the best time is always yesterday.
  2. I am down to earth. My little experience made me a better hydrant through bitter and sweet memories. I shall cherish it for the rest of my life and share my wisdom with my future generation.
  3. Life is so down to earth. Bitter and sweet are the best memories I shall cherish.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

wednesday flight MH150 to Jeddah. My last advice for the year: Xiang Her and baby, don't work too late. Nanti sakit. TAke it easy. Meng Chun, drink water more and drive safe.... Laura, take care. I'll sambung later... Oh I'll be offline mode as you know till next year guys. Take care and may GOD bless ya!!
p/s: JULIAN, PROMISE ME NOT TO TELL SHA OKAY SINCE YOU'RE THE ONLY HUMAN BEING READ THE PREVIOUS POST. JANJI JUUUUU! geram betol la budak ni... Ju, you got to promise me or else I'll swack you nnt! hissh, me and my big mouth...

Best Birthday Ever!

Friday, December 18, 2009

First of all, thank you guys for the birthday song you sang for me and the awesome wishes coming in through FB, text and phone calls. I am so touched and in a euphoria mode. hehehe...... My day was awesome and fabulous.... It was not that sunny nor too moody. Everything was just nice.... Fabulous!!! Charity in the morning, buffet partey in the evening! And for the first time in my whole entire life, my birthday falls on the 1st day of Muslim year which is something awesome and may I REMIND you it is very rare...... huhuhu.... And it's Friday... It's a big deal to me.... hehehe. Oh oh... and for the first time, the Latest Recipe staff (of Le Meridien), prepared a very quick cake, I must call (but I thank GOD, they are great people) and sang birthday song for me and walk to our table like they were caroling!!! I mean how awesome is that???? Totally..... Thank GOD it's Friday and it issss!!!! You know what I meannnnn.... Thank you a million Mama, ayah and my dearest Adik sayang! I love you lot sooo much! And I love you guys too! Ill never forget in years to come. Something to cherish and share with my grandchildren... hehhehehe.... p/s: Ju, mana you? I tunggu U dalam ingatan in OneU. you takde pun. Mana you? Haiyo.... Janji satu malaysia. I know I won't be able to wish you guys later so I would like to wish you guys Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Have a good one. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night! Hehehe..... Love, Kak Eza ........ UMRAH MODE ON

My Official Buddy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm lovin' it. This book completees meeee.... hahaha
It's awesome and I want one!

Very deep..

Listen to these guys:

The truth isn't the truth until people believe you, and they can't believe you if they don't know what you're saying, and they can't know what you're saying if they don't listen to you, and they won't listen to you if you're not interesting, and you won't be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly.

William Bill Bernbach

shake the story like a belly dancer!

How do you teach customers something?
1. Know them well, inside out.

2. Make the lesson exciting, new and relevant.
3. Reward them for their attention.

Story time!

1st story


I can be your hero. I provide access to water supply to put down fire. I have the pressure to be strong. I have the physical power of a hydropower dam. I have the power to make a beautiful fountain. I am more than a fire hydrant.

2nd story


I'm invisible but my support is sincere. I can provide water to play and cool off in the summer. I am a friendly water source in the city. I can share some supply with the street sweepers and tank trucks to fill their water tanks. I have the power to to flush out sewer lines of sewer trucks. I am more than a fire hydrant.

Headline for the web

A headline that works:
1. Stands out
2. Stops reader long enough for them to process the meaning.
3. Offers a promise, an invitation, or important news.
4. Persuades readers that it's worth their time to learn a little bit more about a product.

here's some thoughts:

We make it safe for you I'll safe you safe . hope . happy one home . one hope Street Hero Not exactly Hero . Not exactly Human Not really a hero I'm invisible, but my support is sincere. One home . One hope

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