Saturday, December 19, 2009

wednesday flight MH150 to Jeddah. My last advice for the year: Xiang Her and baby, don't work too late. Nanti sakit. TAke it easy. Meng Chun, drink water more and drive safe.... Laura, take care. I'll sambung later... Oh I'll be offline mode as you know till next year guys. Take care and may GOD bless ya!!
p/s: JULIAN, PROMISE ME NOT TO TELL SHA OKAY SINCE YOU'RE THE ONLY HUMAN BEING READ THE PREVIOUS POST. JANJI JUUUUU! geram betol la budak ni... Ju, you got to promise me or else I'll swack you nnt! hissh, me and my big mouth...

Best Birthday Ever!

Friday, December 18, 2009

First of all, thank you guys for the birthday song you sang for me and the awesome wishes coming in through FB, text and phone calls. I am so touched and in a euphoria mode. hehehe...... My day was awesome and fabulous.... It was not that sunny nor too moody. Everything was just nice.... Fabulous!!! Charity in the morning, buffet partey in the evening! And for the first time in my whole entire life, my birthday falls on the 1st day of Muslim year which is something awesome and may I REMIND you it is very rare...... huhuhu.... And it's Friday... It's a big deal to me.... hehehe. Oh oh... and for the first time, the Latest Recipe staff (of Le Meridien), prepared a very quick cake, I must call (but I thank GOD, they are great people) and sang birthday song for me and walk to our table like they were caroling!!! I mean how awesome is that???? Totally..... Thank GOD it's Friday and it issss!!!! You know what I meannnnn.... Thank you a million Mama, ayah and my dearest Adik sayang! I love you lot sooo much! And I love you guys too! Ill never forget in years to come. Something to cherish and share with my grandchildren... hehhehehe.... p/s: Ju, mana you? I tunggu U dalam ingatan in OneU. you takde pun. Mana you? Haiyo.... Janji satu malaysia. I know I won't be able to wish you guys later so I would like to wish you guys Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Have a good one. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night! Hehehe..... Love, Kak Eza ........ UMRAH MODE ON

My Official Buddy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm lovin' it. This book completees meeee.... hahaha
It's awesome and I want one!

Very deep..

Listen to these guys:

The truth isn't the truth until people believe you, and they can't believe you if they don't know what you're saying, and they can't know what you're saying if they don't listen to you, and they won't listen to you if you're not interesting, and you won't be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly.

William Bill Bernbach

shake the story like a belly dancer!

How do you teach customers something?
1. Know them well, inside out.

2. Make the lesson exciting, new and relevant.
3. Reward them for their attention.

Story time!

1st story


I can be your hero. I provide access to water supply to put down fire. I have the pressure to be strong. I have the physical power of a hydropower dam. I have the power to make a beautiful fountain. I am more than a fire hydrant.

2nd story


I'm invisible but my support is sincere. I can provide water to play and cool off in the summer. I am a friendly water source in the city. I can share some supply with the street sweepers and tank trucks to fill their water tanks. I have the power to to flush out sewer lines of sewer trucks. I am more than a fire hydrant.

Headline for the web

A headline that works:
1. Stands out
2. Stops reader long enough for them to process the meaning.
3. Offers a promise, an invitation, or important news.
4. Persuades readers that it's worth their time to learn a little bit more about a product.

here's some thoughts:

We make it safe for you I'll safe you safe . hope . happy one home . one hope Street Hero Not exactly Hero . Not exactly Human Not really a hero I'm invisible, but my support is sincere. One home . One hope


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy objects slurs happy Faces!

According to, happy in this case means favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky; glad, as over a particular thing.

lots of hope + lots of safe = happy!

=] smile though your heart is aching.......

I am a copywriter

Friday, December 11, 2009

Copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective online marketing. The art and science of copywriting involves strategically writing words that promote a person, product, business, opinion, or idea, with the ultimate intention of having the reader take some form of action.

So, whether you’re looking to sell something or to build traffic by earning links from others, you’ll need to tell compelling stories that grab attention and connect with people so that they’ll respond the way you want.

I love WORK

Idea development, typography, technical execution, design elements

  • Cheng Yee
  • Xiang Her
tryout different technique on hydrant and other website elements.

Web Layout
  • Meng Chun
  • Laura
Find existing layout, analyze why they're interesting, how are they user friendly, layout, placement of the website.

Copy writer
  • Ezatul
Header, the story, what kind of method to tell story (narrative), typography

Animation (Flash)
  • Ezatul
  • Laura
  • Meng Chun
  • Cheng Yee
  • Xiang Her
just try and play with it.

Mood board:= look for happy faces, objects and colour pallete....

Sultan's birthday!!

Today, the Sultan declared holiday for his birthday.

"Sultan, you just wait and see. I will declare a public holiday for the whole country next week! Mwahahahaha! They call me Pweincess Za! Seewweeeet..."

Holiday or not, we had to work... Kitchen Creature, we sat and meet. Till noon, we lazed the least. Totally exhausted from yesterday. But, for us, got to work things out.

The aims of the website:
:- to educate people about fire hydrant

The objective of the website:
:- To share how people ignore the hydrant
:- to reflect the city dweller's behaviors.

Type of situation to reflect the city dwellers
under (strange things happen to me)
:= shoe rack is part of the hydrant
:= Dog pee spot
:= Best parking spot
:= vandalism
:= sit and rest on it

My expectation as the hydrant
:= to be discuss with angmoteh

:= Happy

Colour choice
:= red, baby blue, yellow, white

98% Happy 2% rusty

2nd and a half tutorial

Role of fire hydrant:
  1. to guard and safe city from fire
  2. give 'em hope
  3. to protect the city
like a historical monument, according to MC, in the temple, the older the object is, the more aura it posses, the more power it has.

Mr. Sean said 98% hope and 2% berkarat.

Just so you know, we really need the HOPE part because we're depending on it.

Divide and conquer

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MC and Me will be stressing ourselves out to work on the mood board whilst Cheng Yee, Xiang Her and Laura will concentrate on character design thus travel to KL and study the city slickers for more indept and insight.

Foundation to a clear picture

The reasons we choose FIRE HYDRANT:
  • people ignores them although it is bright in colour (yellow)
  • it is annoying since it is blocking the way/ path
  • unique shape which resembles periscope
Our idea:
  • Reality sanpshots
  • spying and stalking the city's lifestyle
  • subject acts as a spy kit which observes and stalks the city dwellers or city slickers, their characteristics and lifestyle.
The reason audience will visit the website:
  • As a form of entertainment (people love to see other people's reality life)
  • To learn from the city slickers' lifestyle and make a better living out of their own in the future.
Target audience:
  • Young adult
  • 20-25 years old
  • College leavers
  • Depress
  • Big time tension
  • Pollution feeling
  • Rusty look
  • Kick boxing, jam, extreme workload on the desk
  • people quarreling, raining cats and dogs, long Que at toll gate, riot and demonstrations
Senses to be initiated:
  • smell
  • sight
  • auditory
  • emotion
  • thought

a Blink of Thought

Monday, December 7, 2009

When the moments right and the time strikes, that's when ideas will nourish our mind.
Ezatul the philosopher

Fruit of thought

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

=0 I thought I was alone.......

Meeting postpone to tuesday!!!!!! Thank you GOD!!! I haven't finish you know what...... hehehe.... Love ya guys!!!!

Fire whaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Just found out.... That little yellow thingy we're doing research on is called FIRE HYDRANT. In some part of US, they call it FIRE PLUG and some people even calls it JOHNY PUMP or in the case of Augustine, people in Uganda calls it FIRE HOLE..... hey it makes sense!

Little Friends, little secret, great times....

Friday, December 4, 2009

Missing my little family sooooooo much!!!! Bu Po Juju ♥ Miss you gals!! Sigh.... Hope we'll go out on a little trip (probably for together soon! Maybe luncheon on the grass like we always wanted!! It was good teasing Ju today. Hahaha..... Had fun doing it....

Sleepy Tutorial

Thursday, December 3, 2009

To tell you the truth, I was very tired from the trip this morning. During the tutorial, I was half awake and half ... you know what! Apparently I was not the only one. My gang, they're all sleepy and tired. But for Mr. Sean and the group, we listen diligently though I hope every single thing went in the way it supposed to be. Had a little discussion afterward. We had to brainstorm and study the pipe hole from different views and discuss it on Monday. Our ultimate goal is to start on the mood board and concept board next Monday after Mr. Hafiz class. Oh mannnn, we have to submit the 2nd draft essay on Tuesday. I don't know how to handle it. Sigh.....

Laura.... Janganlah marah...
Nanti, I'll melt......

A morning for Pipe Hole

This morning, we went to Bukit Bintang. Divided ourselves into two groups, me and Xing Her wonder around Bukit Bintang and Sungei Wang to look for more pipe holes. (Augustine calls it that) We found many different types of pipe holes and each has its own special characteristics. The vivid yellow colour makes our eyes attracted to it as soon we see it. Took some pictures from different angle and some picture from the pipe hole's angle. It was pretty hot bu thank God I wore white. Later, we had lunch in Low Yat Plaza but I didn't finish my food because my foot was paining. Headed to college just in time for tutorial. Drive safe Meng Chun, drive safe.

First day, First group, First visit!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow...... Had lunch in Meng Chun 's place. Boy, I had good food.... But my little tummy was unhappy for a bit.... Sigh... Oh well... We went around Hartamas and Mont Kiara. We acted as if we were highly paid paparazzi.... hehehe..... There was this one uncle looking at us one kind.... Uncle! We know you want us to take your picture! The short excursion was like a mini treasure hunt trip because we had our eyes wide open for some common objects while I was driving around! Everyone agreed to choose fire pipe as our object..... Can't wait for the trip tomorrow. We're going somewhere near Bukit Bintang for more fire pipes! I borrowed the e-designer book from the library. Got to read 'em tonight! Good luck to all of us. May God bless us...

First timer

I don't like writing a blog but Mr. Sean made me write one..... Sigh....

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