Best Birthday Ever!

Friday, December 18, 2009

First of all, thank you guys for the birthday song you sang for me and the awesome wishes coming in through FB, text and phone calls. I am so touched and in a euphoria mode. hehehe...... My day was awesome and fabulous.... It was not that sunny nor too moody. Everything was just nice.... Fabulous!!! Charity in the morning, buffet partey in the evening! And for the first time in my whole entire life, my birthday falls on the 1st day of Muslim year which is something awesome and may I REMIND you it is very rare...... huhuhu.... And it's Friday... It's a big deal to me.... hehehe. Oh oh... and for the first time, the Latest Recipe staff (of Le Meridien), prepared a very quick cake, I must call (but I thank GOD, they are great people) and sang birthday song for me and walk to our table like they were caroling!!! I mean how awesome is that???? Totally..... Thank GOD it's Friday and it issss!!!! You know what I meannnnn.... Thank you a million Mama, ayah and my dearest Adik sayang! I love you lot sooo much! And I love you guys too! Ill never forget in years to come. Something to cherish and share with my grandchildren... hehhehehe.... p/s: Ju, mana you? I tunggu U dalam ingatan in OneU. you takde pun. Mana you? Haiyo.... Janji satu malaysia. I know I won't be able to wish you guys later so I would like to wish you guys Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Have a good one. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night! Hehehe..... Love, Kak Eza ........ UMRAH MODE ON


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